Welcome to the scams section, first off, let me say that it is misleading out there. A lot of people say 'product a' is a scam, when it may not be. Why would people falsly accuse something of being a scam?
The two main reasons are:
1) They may be competition, so by calling the competition a scam, they will get the leading edge unless it backfires...
2) They may not have not made any money with such and such a product.
Just because someone does not make money with a certain system, product, or service, does not mean its a scam. Most products out there mislead you, just look at the tv. They will do anything to sell you something as long as it's legal. Even if it is frowned upon (a.k.a blackhat methods).
How do you know if you're being scammed? Usually... if it is too good to be true it is. Thats a good rule to stick by. But that doesnt mean just because something excites you, and motivates you, that it is a scam. It may just mean that they have made a great product/service and/or are good marketers.
Always read the tos, faq and disclaimers. No matter which site, product, or service you are planning to use.
Think of everything you pay for online as a business investment, not a fly by purchase. This is one of the big reasons why so many people lose money in the internet game. The act as shoppers, and not as investors. Before buying something, you need to do your research and be 100% sure that their is no better deal out there. If you wait a week and are still wanting the product, then you know you genuinely want it, rather than a one night stand kind of deal.
I will be posting scams here later on. There is literally millions of them out there, if you want to know if something is a scam then be sure to do your own research
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